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A Man Of Prayer Is A reservoir Of Testimonies

A Man Of Prayer Is A Reservoir Of TestimoniesIn times like these, when we are overwhelmed by trials, temptations, pressures, diseases, and others such as these, we need a safe haven; someone we can pour our hearts to. This person is our Father in Heaven and we do this through prayer. Prayer is communing with God.

As you pray continually, you develop a personal relationship with God to the extent that you can hear Him speak to you. When you truly seek God, you will look for HIM in prayer. Prayer is an essential ingredient in the Christian race.

Here are some key points about prayer:


1. Prayer brings out the best in you:


When you spend time in the shelter of the Most High, He speaks to you and lets you know the areas in your life you need to work on. When you maintain a consistent prayer life, your mind is transformed by its renewal (Rom.12:2). One great power we have as humans is our mind.


By exercising it positively, we become better, consequently, the best and this is shown to the whole world to see to the glory of the Father. Our Lord Jesus while He lived on earth, lived a life of prayer, and at the end, He was exalted (Lk 6:12, Phil 2:9). Through prayer, we get to know the mind of God, and since we are His workmanship, we reflect His image in the world which is the best (Eph 2:10).


2. Prayer gives angels reasons to serve you as a child of God:


The Word Of God says, “The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him and He delivers them” (Ps 34:7). Those who pray are loved by God and He sends His angels to deliver them. He will also send His angels to shield you, and protect you. You will not be harmed as His angels will carry you (Ps 91:11,12).


Our Lord Jesus before his death, in pain and anguish, prayed and cried out to God and God sent an angel to strengthen Him (Lk 22:43). Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego did not bow down to the statue and were to be burnt but God sent His angel and protected them (Dan 3:1-30). Also, great men like Manoah, Abraham, Zechariah were ministered to by angels because they were men of prayer. In our time if we truly pray with sincere hearts, God will send angels to serve and minister unto us.


3. Prayer grows as the person grows:


The more you talk to someone, your relationship with that person improves. You are free to express your mind with that person without fear. So it is with God. The more of Him you know, the more you will want to know. As you fellowship with Him, you will grow and become better and yield more fruits unto righteousness. God wants us to be mature as Christians because no one wants a stunted child.


The more you avail yourself to pray, the stronger you will be and you will see that you enjoy His presence and spend more hours with Him. You will long for His presence as a deer pants for water and He will strengthen you to be able to overcome all the schemes of the evil one and give you victory (Ps 42:1).


4. God still answers prayers in troubled times:


Many times in the book of Psalms, we see how David called on the Lord for deliverance, protection, provision (Ps 121:1, 28:2, 55:17). God is a faithful God. In times that are troubled is when He wants you to be still and experience His power. When you pray, you call on God and He hears.


Though it may seem like all hope is gone, but with prayer, we can move mountains. Sometimes, there are trials, worries, pains, anxiety that could set our minds off God but with a persistent prayer like the woman and the judge, we shall overcome (1 Pt 4:7). Some trials are to test our faith but the more we keep praying, we shall receive our request if we exercise patience and it is the will of God (Mt 7:7, 1 Jn 5:14-15).


5. A man of prayer is a reservoir of testimonies:


Someone who prays has a reason to testify always because he has seen the favour and mercies of God. Satan is defeated by the words of our testimony. If we do not pray, Satan will have His way in our lives and remain strong. When we pray, we receive God’s blessings and we know from the Bible that the prayer of a righteous person availeth much (James 3:16). When we pray more, we are connected to God more and we see Him working in ways we cannot see. Let us learn to testify of God’s manifold blessings.

Prayer is a pathway to God, let us pray more and we shall see and experience God more and more.