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Prayer Gives Angels Reasons To Serve You | ABBA AWARDS


Prayer grows as the person grows:


We enter into a relationship with God when we become Christians and praying in the Holy Ghost makes us to grow. As you pray more of God’s word your faith grows and when your words echo His own words you grow closer to him. Growing your prayer life will be one of the most significant spiritual disciplines you will develop. Jer 33:3 says “call unto me and I will answer thee and show the great and mighty things which thou knowest not”.


1. God hears and answers you when you pray


Understanding this marvelous truth is step one to grow in your prayer life. But you must understand what God is saying concerning you or you might end up not fulfilling your purpose. This is the secret to growing your prayer life. When you realize that your prayers connect with God and that God responds to them by giving you what you need, your prayer life will grow.


The Psalmist said in Psalm 63:1-8 (paraphrased), that he thirsted after God, that is growth and this was made possible when he sought God (prayers) early praying without ceasing (1 Thess. 5:17) and we saw that God upheld him and fought for him. Continuous prayer leads to continuous growth and the manifestation will be visible for all to see from within to without.


2. Prayer gives Angels reasons to serve you


Prayer Gives Angels Reasons To Serve You | ABBA AWARDSIn Hebrews 1:14, we see God telling us that Angels come to minister to us, but in order for them to take action or direction, we must speak the word of God in Faith, in agreement with it. Why? Because they only do what the Father, tells them to do, and as a son of God, a child of God, with the presence of God living in you, you have permission and authority to speak to them, but the positive words of the Bible will only work, not negative or destructive words, telling them to go and hurt someone, they simply will fold their hands and step aside.


The Bible says “angels encamp around those who fear Him” (Psalm 34:7), fear as in reverence, to God. We see God tells us that angels come to minister to us but in order to make them take action or direction, we must speak the word of God in faith in agreement with it. We also saw Jesus in Matthew 4:11 being ministered to by the angels on the mountain of prayer. In the case of Daniel in Daniel 10:12-13, he prayed and angels served him by taking his answers to him. Our ministering àngels always await our command to be put to work but ignorance of the presence of the angels keeps them at bay.


3. Prayer is spending time with God


The main reason God created man is for him to have fellowship with man, we discover that in Genesis 3:8, God did come down in the cool of the day to fellowship with man until he fell. Prayer can be incorporated into a daily “thought life”, in which one is in constant communication with God (Daniel 6:10). Some people pray throughout all that is happening during the day and seek guidance. Jer 33:3 says call unto me and I will answer and show you great and mighty things which thou knowest not.


There may be a time of outward silence while prayers are offered mentally or body postures may be assumed, often with specific meaning (mainly respect or adoration) associated with them: standing; sitting; kneeling; prostrate on the floor; eyes opened; eyes closed; hands folded or clasped; hands upraised; holding hands with others; a laying on of hands and others. Often, there are prayers to fit specific occasions, God promises in Scripture to be with us always, so we can trust that He is already with us.


4. Prayer connects humanity to Divinity


Many Christians misunderstand prayer, and the devil has capitalized on this confusion making some persons who claim to know God not recognize how powerful prayer is. The enemy knows that when done properly, prayer can completely shut him down. Lots of people follow a formula for prayer that relies on too many and empty words, but prayer is two-way communication with God, He speaks and listens to you speak. Talking with him in this way connects us to his unlimited power and love.


Religion teaches us that prayer is hit-or-miss and that we won’t always get an answer from God when we pray. But, he has answers for every prayer we offer him. “And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened” (Luke 11:9, 10). If we didn’t hear his response, it may be because we weren’t tuned in to his frequency the way we should have been. Our motivations when we pray are also important, and when we come to him with unselfish motives, he hears us.


5. Prayer makes no condition permanent


There is no condition that one seriously and genuinely prays for a change that doesn’t change (Act 9:40), this is confirmed in Mat. 18:18, it says “whatever we bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven” so when we pray concerning a thing he gives a quick response especially when it’s done in faith.


There are many scenarios in the Bible whereby people and things change through prayers of faith. Until your faith is activated in prayer there can’t be changed. Elisha prayed that it shouldn’t rain for three and half years and His words came to pass 1 Kings 17:1. He prayed again and rain fell (James 5:17-18). The earnest prayer of a righteous man has the power to change things (James 5:16b). There’s no permanent condition with prayer, just a little prayer of faith will go a mighty long way.