Akubueze Best Behavior Awards

ABBA-23 Grand Winner – Mene Precious B.

ABBA-23 Grand Winner - Mene Precious B


Hello everyone, tonight, we are delighted to unveil the flagbearer of ABBA-23.


It’s quite my distinct privilege to introduce to you someone who has become a gem on this platform by virtue of her performance and character.


At times her Session’s journey was bumpy, but she stayed calm, focused and refused to be rattled by the size of an obstacle, opposition or setback. It would have taken a paragon of virtue not to feel viciously perturbed at those moments.


Ladies and gentlemen, as children of the eternal kingdom, permit me to mention, unequivocally, that the ABBA-23 flag bearer was fabled for consistency, dedication, hardworking and creativity.


We used to fondly say, “Her Character and Works Reflect her name.” And we were right!


As a biblically sound writer and a youth leader, she has, once again, proven to us that ABBA isn’t just about academics, but about an out-flow of an internal conduct that reflects the ethics of ABBA.


Tonight, she totes home with a 150.000k cash prize, a 1 Year Service Prioritaire Bouquet, a 1 Year Data subscription of 1k monthly, and enjoys our immeasurable Premium Service for one year.


Saints of God, with a Standing Ovation, let’s Welcome and Celebrate the Official ABBA-23 Grand Winner!!


Just WOW!!! It’s the second time without a blink, and it’s just wow! Chapeau élevé !!!


ABBA-23 Winner First Runner-up

ABBA-23 Winner Third Runner-up

Hard-working, consistent, creative writing and a yen to grow in leadership, are some of the notable traits about his ABBA participation.


Oh, Yes! There were some challenging moments which he graced with wisdom and that too caught our attention.


As the second ABBA-23 winner, he carts home with a cash prize of 50.000, gets a monthly Data Subscription of 1k for 1 year, and Enjoys our Immeasurable Premium Service for 1 year. The laudation is an honor for his participation and contributions.


Now, Children of God, join us to rejoice with and celebrate someone who has shown great character as he worked toward this win. With shouts of acclamations to God, Give It Up For …. Abioyeeeee Oluwaseyiiiiiiiiiii !!!! Congratulations!! Congratulations!!!! Well done!


People, Keep those hands jamming! He deserves it.


A Congratulatory Message From The ABBA Team

It’s right to congratulate all of you who went through the five ABBA sessions without bailing out. You all are achievers and goal-getters. You’ve inadvertently been molding yourselves towards responsible leadership by means of your participation.
Let’s quickly analyze some leadership-building opportunities which the ABBA participation proffered to you all as candidates.
Truth be told, you’ve learned how to do research, perusing digital libraries on certain topics in order to come up with what is required.
You’ve learned time management. To do things in a timely manner, organizing your time slot and thoughts, shuttling between work, the mundane, and learning.
You’ve learned to be professionals, free of emotional blend.
You’ve learned to be competitive without competitive jealousy, congratulating the successes of others without hard feelings.
You’ve learned self-discipline, and sacrifice, prioritizing what’s of utmost importance.
You’ve learned the nature of responsibility, the consequences of one’s actions, and even much more.
These are significant factors of leadership that you have to take to heart and build on them. Although you may not have fully understood the process, you have taken great strides in molding yourselves toward great and responsive leadership.
Congratulations! To have been nominated isn’t just a thing of joy but a testament to your growth, generally. If you knew the stringent pedagogical metrics by which your works were graded, you would shout, “Praise the Lord” for having been nominated. But like I said, “it’s a testament to your growth.” You all should be proud of yourselves, as we are also proud of you. Congratulations, y’all!!

You Are Unique, Be YOU.


You Are Unique, Be YOU


Your contribution sounded intelligent but irrelevant. There was so much knowledge but little wisdom. You put in much energy in the wrong places. You could do much better with the same energy if you had focused on yourself, about your experiences, about your own stories.


You are unique and so are your experiences and stories. They are like no other. The question didn’t ask for knowledge about the characteristics but about the characteristics working in your life or the lives of others which you have experienced.


Don’t tell us what, show us how. Tell us how you exercised patience because of the love of God in you. Tell us how you were kind to someone because of the love of God in you. If you’ve never been kind, maybe, your siblings were or one of your friends was. Tell us a story unique to you. That was what the question required.


Finally, it will not help you if you keep copying other people’s work word for word. Study their content and believe in yourself and your ability to understand what is studied, then reproduce your own version of what you have studied. You can do more than you think you can. God bless you as you heed this candid admonition.


God Still Answers Prayers In Troubled Times | Abba Awards 22

God Still Answers Prayers In Troubled Times | Abba Awards 22


God Still Answers Prayers In Troubled Times | Abba Awards 22My presentation is on the topic “God Still Answers Prayers In Troubled Times”. Before going further what exactly is PRAYER? Prayer is a privilege given to us to speak to God through Christ. It is also our weapon of warfare against the power of darkness (1 Tim 2:1-3,8. 1 Thess 5:17).


When we go through troubled times it looks like God has deserted us and our prayers go unanswered but just gold that goes into the fire like dirt and comes to a gem so also God is preparing us for glory. In fact, God has used trials in molding his servants of old and does today. 

When we go through troubled times,  


1. Quality of our Faith is tested


 It takes an unwavering faith to wait for such long for such a promise of a son from God and even more daring faith to sacrifice him to the God who gave him but Abraham knew by Faith God could give him more sons if he sacrifice Isaac and obeyed diligently and last God provided a sacrificial lamb and spared Isaac’s life. Gen 15:6; 22:1-2; 22:12; Jam 2:20-24


2. Tests Our Endurance


 God tests our Endurance through difficult times. Let’s take the case of Apostle Paul for example. He was by far one of the most persecuted among them all but in all, he endured knowing full well a beautiful crown awaits him in that beautiful city of God. Acts 13:50; 9:29; 18:12.


3. It Teaches Us Patience


During troubled times we might be tempted to give up and assume God doesn’t care but the truth is he does. It could be that there are certain things He wishes to teach us or want us to learn so we shouldn’t give up quickly but wait on the Lord as King David said in Psalm 27:14. Jam 5:10-11


4. Tests Our Faith


Job is a perfect example of what it means to have unwavering faith in God despite his sufferings. He could have yielded to his wife and friend’s pleas to curse God and die rather than suffer the pain but he knows well God hasn’t forsaken him and kept on praying, waiting for God’s deliverance and God did at the appointed time restoring all he lost a double fold  (Job 1:6-22; 2:3-10. 42:10-16).

5. Trials draw us near to God


 During times of trouble, we are often helpless and have no one else to turn to other than God. Dan 6-10. We are urged to pray continually because it’s the best way to overcome our troubles. 1 Thess 5:17; Eph 6:18.

The Rules Of Engagement Unchanged

Given the level of plagiarism involved in the last session, unfortunately, the Panel declined on the change of rules of engagement in order to be fair to everyone.


It was reiterated that a Nominee must have willingly participated in All 5 sessions in his or her Best Behavior.


This implies that if you have a high score but missed a session, you wouldn’t be Nominated.


In principle, a Nominee must have shown knowledge in all the 5 fields of discipline involved in the ABBA Quiz competition without being coerced or exhibiting any malpractices.


I must add to this that the Award is not necessarily more of knowledge than of the attitude behind the knowledge. This Award is about Outstanding Behaviors of Ordinary People in Common Places. Your attitude in following through matters.


Thank you all for reading.