You Are Unique, Be YOU.


You Are Unique, Be YOU


Your contribution sounded intelligent but irrelevant. There was so much knowledge but little wisdom. You put in much energy in the wrong places. You could do much better with the same energy if you had focused on yourself, about your experiences, about your own stories.


You are unique and so are your experiences and stories. They are like no other. The question didn’t ask for knowledge about the characteristics but about the characteristics working in your life or the lives of others which you have experienced.


Don’t tell us what, show us how. Tell us how you exercised patience because of the love of God in you. Tell us how you were kind to someone because of the love of God in you. If you’ve never been kind, maybe, your siblings were or one of your friends was. Tell us a story unique to you. That was what the question required.


Finally, it will not help you if you keep copying other people’s work word for word. Study their content and believe in yourself and your ability to understand what is studied, then reproduce your own version of what you have studied. You can do more than you think you can. God bless you as you heed this candid admonition.